Guided Annotations Graphic Organizer

Frances Santos



  • This graphic organizer serves as a resource instructors can customize to guide students through specific annotations, such as analyzing the rhetorical situation or analyzing the author’s intention with specific word choices.

Graphic Organizer

Directions for students: As you read the text in the left-hand column (or after you have read it once all the way through), respond to the questions and tasks in the right-hand column.

Focus Text Critical Questions & Tasks
Directions for teachers:

Copy and paste text here.


Separate paragraphs.


This activity can be assigned as independent homework for students to reinforce critical thinking skills, or with collaborative groups in class to monitor for understanding.


This activity can be done with short, medium, or longer fiction or nonfiction, depending on unit objectives.


This template works quite well with speeches.



Directions for teachers:

Develop critical questions grounded in textual evidence that demonstrate the student’s ability to support their answers. Position these questions near the relevant area of text.

For example, the question “How would you characterize the tone of the piece in paragraphs 1-5?” would be positioned near the beginning of the text.

You can also add other tasks in this column, such as defining vocabulary or identifying the text’s rhetorical situation.



Click here to download a Word Doc version of the blank Guided Annotations Template:

Guided Annotations Template




Santos, Frances. “Guided Annotations Graphic Organizer.” Strategies, Skills and Models for Student Success in Writing and Reading Comprehension. College Station: Texas A&M University, 2024. This work is licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Guided Annotations Graphic Organizer Copyright © by Frances Santos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.