7.1 Degree and Radian Measure of Angles

This section serves as a review of the concept of `angle’ and the use of the degree and radian systems to measure angles.

7.1.1 Degree Measure

Recall that a ray is usually described as a `half-line’ and can be thought of as a line segment in which one of the two endpoints is pushed off infinitely distant from the other, as pictured below. The point from which the ray originates is called the initial point of the ray.

A half-line which starts at a point P and extends to the right and upward.
A ray with initial point P


When two rays share a common initial point they form an angle and the common initial point is called the vertex of the angle. Two examples of what are commonly thought of as angles are

Two angles side by side. The first angle is made of two rays and a vertex of P. The second angle is two other rays and vertex Q.
An angle with vertex P and an angle with vertex Q


However, the two figures below also depict angles – albeit these are, in some sense, extreme cases. In the first case, the two rays are directly opposite each other forming what is known as a straight angle; in the second, the rays are identical so the `angle’ is indistinguishable from the ray itself.

A straight angle with vertex P and a ray with no angle, with vertex Q.
A straight angle and an angle with vertex Q


The measure of an angle is a number which indicates the amount of rotation that separates the rays of the angle. There is one immediate problem with this, as pictured below.

Two angles represented on the same pair of rays. The first angle is the smaller angle between the rays. The second angle is the larger outward angle between the two rays.
Representation of the Measure of an Angle based on Rotation


Which amount of rotation are we attempting to quantify? What we have just discovered is that we have at least two angles described by this diagram.[1] Clearly these two angles have different measures because one appears to represent a larger rotation than the other, so we must label them differently. In this book, we use lower case Greek letters such as \alpha (alpha), \beta (beta), \gamma (gamma) and \theta (theta) to label angles. So, for instance, we have

Two rays with the same initial point. The smaller, interior, angle between the two rays is labeled with an alpha. The larger , exterior, angle between the two rays is labeled with a beta.
Two angles between a single pair of rays


One system to measure angles is degree measure. Quantities measured in degrees are denoted by the symbol `^{\circ}.’ One complete revolution as shown below is 360^{\circ}, and parts of a revolution are measured proportionately.[2] Thus half of a revolution (a straight angle) measures \frac{1}{2} \left(360^{\circ}\right) = 180^{\circ}, a quarter of a revolution (a right angle) measures \frac{1}{4} \left(360^{\circ}\right) = 90^{\circ} and so on.

Three angles side by side. The first angle represents a full revolution and is labeled 360 degrees. The second is two rays, directly opposite each other and is labeled 180 degrees. The last rotation is a quarter of a revolution with the two rays being perpendicular. The label is 90 degrees.
Portions of a revolution


Note that in the above figure, we have used the small square  \qed to denote a right angle, as is commonplace in Geometry. Recall that if an angle measures strictly between 0^{\circ} and 90^{\circ} it is called an acute angle and if it measures strictly between 90^{\circ} and 180^{\circ} it is called an obtuse angle. It is important to note that, theoretically, we can know the measure of any angle as long as we know the proportion it represents of an entire revolution.[3] For instance, the measure of an angle which represents a rotation of \frac{2}{3} of a revolution would measure \frac{2}{3} \left(360^{\circ}\right) = 240^{\circ}, the measure of an angle which constitutes only \frac{1}{12} of a revolution measures \frac{1}{12} \left(360^{\circ}\right) = 30^{\circ} and an angle which indicates no rotation at all is measured as 0^{\circ}.

Three angles side by side. The first angle is of an obtuse angle of 240 degrees. The second angle is an acute angle of 30 degrees and the last is the angle with no rotation, 0 degrees.
Representations of acute, obtuse, and 0 angles.


Recall that two acute angles are called complementary angles if their measures add to 90^{\circ}. Two angles, either a pair of right angles or one acute angle and one obtuse angle, are called supplementary angles if their measures add to 180^{\circ}. In the diagram below, the angles \alpha and \beta are supplementary angles while the pair \gamma and \theta are complementary angles.

Two pairs of angles side by side. The first pair represent supplementary angles, alpha and beta that add to 180 degree and form a line. The second pair of angles represent complementary angles, theta and gamma, which create a right angle or a sum of 90 degrees.
Representations of Supplementary and Complementary Angles


In practice, the distinction between the angle itself and its measure is blurred so that the sentence `\alpha is an angle measuring 42^{\circ}‘ is often abbreviated as `\alpha = 42^{\circ}.’ It is now time for an example.

Example 7.1.1


Let \alpha = 110^{\circ} and \beta = 37^{\circ}.

Sketch \alpha and \beta.


Sketch \alpha and \beta.

To sketch \alpha, we first note that 90^{\circ} < \alpha < 180^{\circ}. Dividing this range in half, we get 90^{\circ} < \alpha < 135^{\circ}, and once more, we have 90^{\circ} < \alpha < 112.5^{\circ}. This gives us a pretty good estimate for \alpha, as shown below.

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Proceeding similarly for \beta, we find 0^{\circ} < \beta < 90^{\circ}, then 0^{\circ} < \beta < 45^{\circ}, 22.5^{\circ} < \beta < 45^{\circ}, and lastly, 33.75^{\circ} < \beta < 45^{\circ}.

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Let \alpha = 110^{\circ} and \beta = 37^{\circ}.

Compute a supplementary angle for \alpha.


Compute a supplementary angle for \alpha.

To find a supplementary angle for \alpha, we seek an angle \theta so that \alpha + \theta = 180^{\circ}.

We get \theta = 180^{\circ} - \alpha = 180^{\circ} - 110^{\circ} = 70^{\circ}.


Let \alpha = 110^{\circ} and \beta = 37^{\circ}.

Compute a complementary angle for \beta.


Compute a complementary angle for \beta.

To find a complementary angle for \beta, we seek an angle \gamma so that \beta + \gamma = 90^{\circ}.

We get \gamma = 90^{\circ} - \beta = 90^{\circ} - 37^{\circ} = 53^{\circ}.


Up to this point, we have discussed only angles which measure between 0^{\circ} and 360^{\circ}, inclusive. Ultimately, we want to use the arsenal of Algebra which we have stockpiled in Chapters 1 through 6 to not only solve geometric problems involving angles, but also to extend their applicability to other real-world phenomena. A first step in this direction is to extend our notion of `angle’ from merely measuring an extent of rotation to quantities which indicate an amount of rotation along with a direction. To that end, we introduce the concept of an oriented angle. As its name suggests, in an oriented angle, the direction of the rotation is important. We imagine the angle being swept out starting from an initial side and ending at a terminal side, as shown below. When the rotation is counter-clockwise from initial side to terminal side, we say that the angle is positive; when the rotation is clockwise, we say that the angle is negative.

Two angles side by side. On each angle the horizontal ray is labeled as the initial side. The first angle rotates in the counter clockwise direction to the terminal side and is labeled as a positive angle, of 45 degrees. The second angle rotates clockwise to the terminal side and is labeled as a negative angle of negative 45 degrees.
Representations of Positive and Negative Angles


At this point, we also extend our allowable rotations to include angles which encompass more than one revolution. For example, to sketch an angle with measure 450^{\circ} we start with an initial side, rotate counter-clockwise one complete revolution (to take care of the `first’ 360^{\circ}) then continue with an additional 90^{\circ} counter-clockwise rotation, as seen below.

An angle with two rays, one moving to the right and the other upward. The angle between them is marked in a counter clockwise rotation one full rotation and then another quarter rotation. The angle is labeled 450 degrees
A 450 degree rotation


To further connect angles with the Algebra which has come before, we shall often overlay an angle diagram on the coordinate plane. An angle is said to be in standard position if its vertex is the origin and its initial side coincides with the positive horizontal (usually labeled as the x-) axis. Angles in standard position are classified according to where their terminal side lies. For instance, an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies in Quadrant I is called a `Quadrant I angle’. If the terminal side of an angle lies on one of the coordinate axes, it is called a quadrantal angle. Two angles in standard position are called coterminal if they share the same terminal side.[4] In the figure below, \alpha = 120^{\circ} and \beta = -240^{\circ} are two coterminal Quadrant II angles drawn in standard position. Note that \alpha = \beta + 360^{\circ}, or equivalently, \beta = \alpha - 360^{\circ}. We leave it as an exercise to the reader to verify that coterminal angles always differ by a multiple of 360^{\circ}.[5] More precisely, if \alpha and \beta are coterminal angles, then \beta = \alpha + 360^{\circ} \cdot k where k is an integer.[6]

A coordinate plane with the initial side at the positive x axis and the terminals side in the second quadrant. Angle alpha is in the positive direction, while angle beta is in the negative direction.
Two coterminal angles, alpha = 120 degrees and beta equals negative 240 degrees, in standard position


Example 7.1.2


Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Determine three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\alpha = 60^{\circ}


Graph \alpha = 60^{\circ} in standard position.

To graph \alpha = 60^{\circ}, we draw an angle with its initial side on the positive x-axis and rotate counter-clockwise \frac{60^{\circ}}{360^{\circ}} = \frac{1}{6} of a revolution. We see that \alpha is a Quadrant I angle.

To find angles which are coterminal, we look for angles \theta of the form \theta = \alpha + 360^{\circ} \cdot k, for some integer k.

When k = 1, we get \theta = 60^{\circ} + 360^{\circ} = 420^{\circ}.

Substituting k = -1 gives \theta = 60^{\circ} - 360^{\circ} = -300^{\circ}.

Finally, if we let k = 2, we get \theta = 60^{\circ} + 720^{\circ} = 780^{\circ}.

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Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Determine three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\beta = -225^{\circ}


Graph \beta = -225^{\circ} in standard position.

As a result of \beta = - 225^{\circ} being negative, we start at the positive x-axis and rotate clockwise \frac{225^{\circ}}{360^{\circ}} = \frac{5}{8} of a revolution. We see that \beta is a Quadrant II angle.

To find coterminal angles, we proceed as before and compute \theta = -225^{\circ} + 360^{\circ} \cdot k for integer values of k.

We find 135^{\circ}, -585^{\circ} and 495^{\circ} are all coterminal with -225^{\circ}, when k=1, \, -2, and 2 respectively.

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Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Determine three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\gamma = 540^{\circ}


Graph \gamma = 540^{\circ} in standard position.

As \gamma = 540^{\circ} is positive, we rotate counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis. One full revolution accounts for 360^{\circ}, with 180^{\circ}, or \frac{1}{2} of a revolution remaining. The terminal side of \gamma lies on the negative x-axis, so \gamma is a quadrantal angle.

All angles coterminal with \gamma are of the form \theta = 540^{\circ} + 360^{\circ} \cdot k, where k is an integer.

Working through the arithmetic as before, we find three such angles: 180^{\circ}, -180^{\circ} and 900^{\circ}.

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Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Determine three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\phi = -750^{\circ}


Graph \phi = -750^{\circ} in standard position.

The Greek letter \phi is pronounced `fee’ or `fie’ and because \phi is negative, we begin our rotation clockwise from the positive x-axis. Two full revolutions account for 720^{\circ}, with just 30^{\circ} or \frac{1}{12} of a revolution to go. We find that \phi is a Quadrant IV angle.

To find coterminal angles, we compute \theta = -750^{\circ} + 360^{\circ} \cdot k for a few integers k and obtain -390^{\circ}, -30^{\circ} and 330^{\circ}.

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7.1.2 Radian Measure

While degrees are the unit of choice for many applications of trigonometry, we introduce here the concept of the radian measure of an angle. As we will see, this concept naturally ties angles to real numbers. While the concept may seem foreign at first, we assure the reader that the utility of radian measure in modeling real-world phenomena is well worth the effort. We begin our development with a definition from Geometry.

Definition 7.1

The real number \pi is defined to be the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. In symbols, given a circle of circumference C and diameter d,

    \[ \pi = \dfrac{C}{d} \]

While Definition 7.1 is quite possibly the `standard’ definition of \pi, the authors would be remiss if we didn’t mention that buried in this definition is actually a theorem. As the reader is probably aware, the number \pi is a mathematical constant – that is, it doesn’t matter which circle is selected, the ratio of its circumference to its diameter will have the same value as any other circle. While this is indeed true, it is far from obvious and leads to a counter intuitive scenario which is explored in the Exercises. Because the diameter of a circle is twice its radius, we can quickly rearrange the equation in Definition 7.1 to get a formula more useful for our purposes, namely: 2 \pi = \frac{C}{r}. Hence, for any circle, the ratio of its circumference to its radius is 2\pi.

Suppose we take a portion of the circle, and we compare some arc measuring s units in length to the radius. Let \theta be the central angle subtended by this arc, that is, an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle and whose determining rays pass through the endpoints of the arc. Using proportionality (similarity) arguments, it stands to reason that the ratio \frac{s}{r} should also be a constant among all circles. It is this ratio, \frac{s}{r}, which defines the radian measure of an angle.

A circle with central angle theta between two rays. The radius of the circle is marked on each ray. The length of the arc of the circle corresponding to the angle theta is highlighted and is labeled with an s. The diagram is labeled "The radian measure of theta is s divided by r.
Representation of Radian Measure


To get a better feel for radian measure, we note that an angle with radian measure 1 means the corresponding arc length s equals the radius of the circle r, that is, s = r. When the radian measure is 2, we have s = 2r; when the radian measure is 3, s = 3r, and so forth. Thus the radian measure of an angle \theta tells us how many `radius lengths’ we need to sweep out along the circle to subtend the angle \theta.

Two circles side by side. The first circle has the length of the arc created by the central angle alpha equal to the radius of the circle. The diagram is labeled alpha has radian measure 1. The second circle has the length of the central arc, beta, equal to 4 radii. The diagram has a label "beta has radian measure 4".
Representations of Radian Measures


One revolution sweeps out the circumference 2\pi r, so one revolution has radian measure \frac{2 \pi r}{r} = 2 \pi. From this we can find the radian measure of other central angles using proportions, just like we did with degrees. For instance, half of a revolution has radian measure \frac{1}{2} (2 \pi) = \pi, a quarter revolution has radian measure \frac{1}{4} (2 \pi) = \frac{\pi}{2}, and so forth. Note that, by definition, the radian measure of an angle is a length divided by another length so that these measurements are actually dimensionless and are considered `pure’ numbers. For this reason, we do not use any symbols to denote radian measure, but we use the word `radians’ to denote these dimensionless units as needed. For instance, we say one revolution measures `2\pi radians,’ half of a revolution measures `\pi radians,’ and so forth.

Arc Length

Given \theta is a central angle of a circle with radius r, the length of the subtended arc of length s is s = r\theta, where \theta is in radians.

As with degree measure, the distinction between the angle itself and its measure is often blurred in practice, so when we write `\theta = \frac{\pi}{2}‘, we mean \theta is an angle which measures \frac{\pi}{2} radians.[7] We extend radian measure to oriented angles, just as we did with degrees beforehand, so that a positive measure indicates counter-clockwise rotation and a negative measure indicates clockwise rotation.[8] Much like before, two positive angles \alpha and \beta are supplementary if \alpha + \beta = \pi and complementary if \alpha + \beta = \frac{\pi}{2}. Finally, we leave it to the reader to show that when using radian measure, two angles \alpha and \beta are coterminal if and only if \beta = \alpha + 2\pi k for some integer k.

Example 7.1.3


Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Find three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\alpha = \dfrac{\pi}{6}


Graph and classify \alpha = \dfrac{\pi}{6}.

The angle \alpha = \frac{\pi}{6} is positive, so we draw an angle with its initial side on the positive x-axis and rotate counter-clockwise \frac{\left( \pi / 6\right)}{2 \pi} = \frac{1}{12} of a revolution. Thus \alpha is a Quadrant I angle.

Coterminal angles \theta are of the form \theta = \alpha + 2\pi \cdot k, for some integer k.

To make the arithmetic a bit easier, we note that 2\pi = \frac{12 \pi}{6}, thus when k = 1, we get \theta = \frac{\pi}{6} + \frac{12 \pi}{6} = \frac{13 \pi}{6}.

Substituting k = -1 gives \theta = \frac{\pi}{6} - \frac{12 \pi}{6} = -\frac{11 \pi}{6} and when we let k = 2, we get \theta = \frac{\pi}{6} + \frac{24 \pi}{6} = \frac{25 \pi}{6}.

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Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Find three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\beta = -\dfrac{4\pi}{3}


Graph and classify \beta = -\dfrac{4\pi}{3}.

As \beta = - \frac{4\pi}{3} is negative, we start at the positive x-axis and rotate clockwise \frac{\left(4 \pi / 3\right)}{2\pi} = \frac{2}{3} of a revolution. We find \beta to be a Quadrant II angle.

To find coterminal angles, we proceed as before using 2\pi = \frac{6 \pi}{3}, and compute \theta = -\frac{4 \pi}{3} + \frac{6 \pi}{3} \cdot k for integer values of k.

We obtain \frac{2\pi}{3}, -\frac{10 \pi}{3} and \frac{8 \pi}{3} as coterminal angles.

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Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Find three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\gamma = \dfrac{9 \pi}{4}


Graph and classify \gamma = \dfrac{9 \pi}{4}.

As \gamma = \frac{9 \pi}{4} is positive, we rotate counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis. One full revolution accounts for 2 \pi = \frac{8 \pi}{4} of the radian measure with \frac{\pi}{4} or \frac{1}{8} of a revolution remaining. We have \gamma as a Quadrant I angle.

All angles coterminal with \gamma are of the form \theta = \frac{9 \pi}{4} + \frac{8\pi}{4} \cdot k, where k is an integer.

Working through the arithmetic for k = 1,\, -1,\, 2, we find: \frac{\pi}{4}, -\frac{7 \pi}{4} and \frac{17 \pi}{4}, respectively.

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Graph each of the (oriented) angles below in standard position and classify them according to where their terminal side lies. Find three coterminal angles, at least one of which is positive and one of which is negative.

\phi = - \dfrac{5 \pi}{2}


Graph and classify \phi = - \dfrac{5 \pi}{2}.

To graph \phi = -\frac{5 \pi}{2}, we begin our rotation clockwise from the positive x-axis. As 2 \pi = \frac{4 \pi}{2}, after one full revolution clockwise, we have \frac{\pi}{2} or \frac{1}{4} of a revolution remaining. The terminal side of \phi lies on the negative y-axis, thus \phi is a quadrantal angle.

To find coterminal angles, we compute \theta = -\frac{5 \pi}{2} + \frac{4 \pi}{2} \cdot k for a few integers k=1, \, 2, \, 3 and obtain -\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{3 \pi}{2} and \frac{7 \pi}{2}.

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It is worth mentioning that we could have plotted the angles in Example 7.1.3 by first converting them to degree measure and following the procedure set forth in Example 7.1.2. While converting back and forth from degrees and radians is certainly a good skill to have, it is best that you learn to `think in radians’ as well as you can `think in degrees’. The authors would, however, be derelict in our duties if we ignored the basic conversion between these systems altogether. As one revolution counter-clockwise measures 360^{\circ} and the same angle measures 2 \pi radians, we can use the proportion \frac{2 \pi \, \text{radians}}{360^{\circ}}, or its reduced equivalent, \frac{\pi \, \text{radians}}{180^{\circ}}, as the conversion factor between the two systems. For example, to convert 60^{\circ} to radians we find 60^{\circ} \left( \frac{\pi \, \text{radians}}{180^{\circ}}\right) = \frac{\pi}{3} \, \text{radians}, or simply \frac{\pi}{3}. To convert from radian measure back to degrees, we multiply by the ratio \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi \, \text{radian}}. For example, -\frac{5 \pi}{6} \, \text{radians} is equal to \left(-\frac{5 \pi}{6} \, \text{radians} \right) \left( \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi \, \text{radians}}\right) = -150^{\circ}.[9]  Hence, an angle which measures 1 in radian measure is equal to \frac{180^{\circ}}{\pi} \approx 57.2958^{\circ}. To summarize:

Equation 7.1  Degree – Radian Conversion

  • To convert degree measure to radian measure, multiply by \dfrac{\pi \, \text{radians}}{180^{\circ}}
  • To convert radian measure to degree measure, multiply by \dfrac{180^{\circ}}{\pi \, \text{radians}}


In light of Example 7.1.3 and Equation 7.1.2, the reader may well wonder what the allure of radian measure is. The numbers involved are, admittedly, much more complicated than degree measure. The answer lies in how easily angles in radian measure can be identified with real numbers. Consider the Unit Circle, x^2 + y^2 = 1, the angle \theta in standard position and the corresponding arc measuring s units in length. By definition, and the fact that the Unit Circle has radius 1, the radian measure of \theta is \frac{s}{r}=\frac{s}{1} = s so that, once again blurring the distinction between an angle and its measure, we have \theta = s. In order to identify real numbers with oriented angles, we essentially `wrap’ \index{wrapping function} the real number line around the Unit Circle and associating to each real number t an oriented arc on the Unit Circle with initial point (1,0).

A circle of radius 1 on a coordinate plane. The initial side of the angle is at the x-axis and the terminal side is in the first quadrant. The angle, theta, is an oriented arc and the length of the arc is s.
On the Unit Circle, theta = 2


Viewing the vertical line x=1 as another real number line demarcated like the y-axis, given a real number t>0, we `wrap’ the (vertical) interval [0,t] around the Unit Circle in a counter-clockwise fashion. The resulting arc has a length of t units and therefore the corresponding angle has radian measure equal to t. If t<0, we wrap the interval [t,0] clockwise around the Unit Circle. We have defined clockwise rotation as having negative radian measure, therefore the angle determined by this arc has radian measure equal to t. If t=0, we are at the point (1,0) on the x-axis which corresponds to an angle with radian measure 0. In this way, we identify each real number t with the corresponding angle with radian measure t.

Two unit circles on coordinate planes side by side. The first demonstrates the angle t, has a length of t and a height of t when t is positive. The second graph is similar to the first, but t is negative.
Relationship between real number t and the corresponding angle with radian measure t.


Example 7.1.4


Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to each of the following real numbers.

t=\dfrac{3 \pi}{4}


Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to t=\dfrac{3 \pi}{4}.

The arc associated with t = \frac{3 \pi}{4} is the arc on the Unit Circle which subtends the angle \frac{3 \pi}{4} in radian measure. As \frac{3 \pi}{4} is \frac{3}{8} of a revolution, we have an arc which begins at the point (1,0) proceeds counter-clockwise up to midway through Quadrant II.

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Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to each of the following real numbers.

t = - 2 \pi


Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to t = - 2 \pi.

One revolution is 2\pi radians and t=-2\pi is negative, so we graph the arc which begins at (1,0) and proceeds clockwise for one full revolution.

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Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to each of the following real numbers.

t = -2


Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to t = - 2.

Like t=-2\pi, t=-2 is negative, so we begin our arc at (1,0) and proceed clockwise around the unit circle. Because \pi \approx 3.14 and \frac{\pi}{2} \approx 1.57, we find that rotating 2 radians clockwise from the point (1,0) lands us in Quadrant III. To more accurately place the endpoint, we proceed by successively halving the angle measure until we find \frac{5 \pi}{8} \approx 1.96 which tells us our arc extends just a bit beyond the quarter mark into Quadrant III.

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Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to each of the following real numbers.

t = 117


Sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle corresponding to t = 117.

Because 117 is positive, the arc corresponding to t=117 begins at (1,0) and proceeds counter-clockwise. As 117 is much greater than 2\pi, we wrap around the Unit Circle several times before finally reaching our endpoint. We approximate \frac{117}{2\pi} as 18.62 which tells us we complete 18 revolutions counter-clockwise with 0.62, or just shy of \frac{5}{8} of a revolution to spare. In other words, the terminal side of the angle which measures 117 radians in standard position is just short of being midway through Quadrant III.

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7.1.3 Applications of Radian Measure: Circular Motion


Now that we have paired angles with real numbers via radian measure, a whole world of applications awaits us. Our first excursion into this realm comes by way of circular motion. Suppose an object is moving as pictured below along a circular path of radius r from the point P to the point Q in an amount of time t.

A circle of radius r. The circle has two rays that have a vertex at the center of the circle and intersect the circle at points P and Q. The angle theta is between the two rays in the clockwise direction from ray with Q to the ray with P. The arc of the circle between the two points P and Q is labeled as s.
Representation of Circular Motion


Here s represents a displacement, so that s > 0 means the object is traveling in a counter-clockwise direction and s<0 indicates movement in a clockwise direction. Note that with this convention the formula we used to define radian measure, namely \theta = \frac{s}{r}, still holds as a negative value of s incurred from a clockwise displacement matches the negative we assign to \theta for a clockwise rotation. In Physics, the average velocity  of the object, denoted \overline{v} and read as `v-bar’, is defined as the average rate of change of the position of the object with respect to time.[10] As a result, we have \overline{v} = \frac{\text{displacement}}{\text{time}} = \frac{s}{t}. The quantity \overline{v} has units of \frac{\text{length}}{\text{time}} and conveys two ideas: the direction in which the object is moving and how fast the position of the object is changing. The contribution of direction in the quantity \overline{v} is either to make it positive (in the case of counter-clockwise motion) or negative (in the case of clockwise motion), so that the quantity \left| \overline{v} \right| quantifies how fast the object is moving – it is the speed of the object. Measuring \theta in radians we have \theta = \frac{s}{r} thus s = r \theta and

    \[ \overline{v} = \frac{s}{t} = \frac{r \theta}{t} = r \cdot \frac{\theta}{t} \]

The quantity \frac{\theta}{t} is called the average angular velocity of the object. It is denoted by \overline{\omega} and is read `omega-bar’. The quantity \overline{\omega} is the average rate of change of the angle \theta with respect to time and thus has units \frac{\text{radians}}{\text{time}}. If \overline{\omega} is constant throughout the duration of the motion, then it can be shown[11] that the average velocities involved, namely \overline{v} and \overline{\omega}, are the same as their instantaneous counterparts, v and \omega, respectively. In this case, v is simply called the `velocity’ of the object and \omega is called the `angular velocity.’[12]

If the path of the object were `uncurled’ from a circle to form a line segment, then the velocity of the object on that line segment would be the same as the velocity on the circle. For this reason, the quantity v is often called the linear velocity of the object in order to distinguish it from the angular velocity, \omega. Putting together the ideas of the previous paragraph, we get the following.

Equation 7.2 Velocity of Circular Motion

For an object moving on a circular path of radius r with constant angular velocity \omega, the (linear) velocity of the object is given by v = r \omega.


We need to talk about units here. The units of v are \frac{\text{length}}{\text{time}}, the units of r are length only, and the units of \omega are \frac{\text{radians}}{\text{time}}. Thus the left hand side of the equation v = r \omega has units \frac{\text{length}}{\text{time}}, whereas the right hand side has units \text{length} \cdot \frac{\text{radians}}{\text{time}} = \frac{\text{length} \cdot \text{radians}}{\text{time}}. The supposed contradiction in units is resolved by remembering that radians are a dimensionless quantity and angles in radian measure are identified with real numbers so that the units \frac{\text{length} \cdot \text{radians}}{\text{time}} reduce to the units \frac{\text{length}}{\text{time}}. We are long overdue for an example.

Example 7.1.5

Example 7.1.5

Assuming that the surface of the Earth is a sphere, any point on the Earth can be thought of as an object traveling on a circle (this is the parallel of latitude of the point) as seen in the figure below.[13] It takes the Earth (approximately) 24 hours to rotate, so the object takes 24 hours to complete one revolution along this circle. Lakeland Community College is at 41.628^{\circ} north latitude, and it can be shown[14] that the radius of the earth at this Latitude is approximately 2960 miles. Find the linear velocity, in miles per hour, of Lakeland Community College as the world turns.

A sketch of the global with latitude lines marked, along with the north and south pole and equator. Parts of North and South America as well as Europe and Africa are visible in the sketch.
Sketch of Earth


To use the formula v = r \omega, we first need to compute the angular velocity \omega. The earth makes one revolution in 24 hours, and one revolution is 2 \pi radians, so

    \[ \begin{array}{rcl} \omega &=& \frac{2 \pi \, \text{radians}}{24 \, \text{hours}} \\[6pt] &=& \frac{\pi}{12 \, \text{hours}} \end{array} \]

Note that once again, we are identifying angles in radian measure as real numbers so we can drop the `radian’ units as they are dimensionless. Also note that for simplicity’s sake, we assume that we are viewing the rotation of the earth as counter-clockwise so \omega > 0. Hence, the linear velocity is

    \[ \begin{array}{rcl} v &=& 2960 \, \text{miles} \cdot \frac{\pi}{12 \, \text{hours}} \\[6pt] &\approx & 775 \, \frac{\text{miles}}{\text{hour}} \end{array} \]


It is worth noting that the quantity \frac{1 \, \text{revolution}}{24 \, \text{hours}} in Example 7.1.5 is called the ordinary frequency of the motion and is usually denoted by the variable f. The ordinary frequency is a measure of how often an object makes a complete cycle of the motion. The fact that \omega = 2\pi f suggests that \omega is also a frequency. Indeed, it is called the angular frequency of the motion. On a related note, the quantity T = \frac{1}{f} is called the period of the motion and is the amount of time it takes for the object to complete one cycle of the motion. In the scenario of Example 7.1.5, the period of the motion is 24 hours, or one day.

The concepts of frequency and period help frame the equation v = r \omega in a new light. That is, if \omega is fixed, points which are farther from the center of rotation need to travel faster to maintain the same angular frequency because they have farther to travel to make one revolution in one period’s time. The distance of the object to the center of rotation is the radius of the circle, r, and is the `magnification factor’ which relates \omega and v. We will have more to say about frequencies and periods in Section 7.3. While we have exhaustively discussed velocities associated with circular motion, we have yet to discuss a more natural question: if an object is moving on a circular path of radius r with a fixed angular velocity (frequency) \omega, what is the position of the object at time t? The answer to this question is the very heart of Trigonometry and is answered in the next section.

7.1.4 Section Exercises

In Exercises 1 – 12, graph the oriented angle in standard position. Classify each angle according to where its terminal side lies and then give two coterminal angles, one of which is positive and the other negative.

  1. 30^{\circ}
  2. 120^{\circ}
  3. 225^{\circ}
  4. 330^{\circ}
  5. -30^{\circ}
  6. -135^{\circ}
  7. -240^{\circ}
  8. -270^{\circ}
  9. 405^{\circ}
  10. 840^{\circ}
  11. -510^{\circ}
  12. -900^{\circ}

In Exercises 13 – 28, graph the oriented angle in standard position. Classify each angle according to where its terminal side lies and then give two coterminal angles, one of which is positive and the other negative.

  1. \dfrac{\pi}{3}
  2. \dfrac{5\pi}{6}
  3. -\dfrac{11\pi}{3}
  4. \dfrac{5\pi}{4}
  5. \dfrac{3\pi}{4}
  6. -\dfrac{\pi}{3}
  7. \dfrac{7\pi}{2}
  8. \dfrac{\pi}{4}
  9. -\dfrac{\pi}{2}
  10. \dfrac{7\pi}{6}
  11. -\dfrac{5\pi}{3}
  12. 3\pi
  13. -2\pi
  14. -\dfrac{\pi}{4}
  15. \dfrac{15\pi}{4}
  16. -\dfrac{13\pi}{6}

In Exercises 29 – 36, convert the angle from degree measure into radian measure, giving the exact value in terms of \pi.

  1. 0^{\circ}
  2. 240^{\circ}
  3. 135^{\circ}
  4. -270^{\circ}
  5. -315^{\circ}
  6. 150^{\circ}
  7. 45^{\circ}
  8. -225^{\circ}

In Exercises 37 – 44, convert the angle from radian measure into degree measure.

  1. \pi
  2. -\dfrac{2\pi}{3}
  3. \dfrac{7\pi}{6}
  4. \dfrac{11\pi}{6}
  5. \dfrac{\pi}{3}
  6. \dfrac{5\pi}{3}
  7. -\dfrac{\pi}{6}
  8. \dfrac{\pi}{2}

In Exercises 45 – 49, sketch the oriented arc on the Unit Circle which corresponds to the given real number.

  1. t=\frac{5 \pi}{6}
  2. t=-\pi
  3. t = 6
  4. t = -2
  5. t = 12
  6. A yo-yo which is 2.25 inches in diameter spins at a rate of 4500 revolutions per minute. How fast is the edge of the yo-yo spinning in miles per hour? Leave your answer in exact form.
  7. How many revolutions per minute would the yo-yo in Exercise 50 have to complete if the edge of the yo-yo is to be spinning at a rate of 42 miles per hour? Leave your answer in exact form.
  8. In the yo-yo trick `Around the World,’ the performer throws the yo-yo so it sweeps out a vertical circle whose radius is the yo-yo string. If the yo-yo string is 28 inches long and the yo-yo takes 3 seconds to complete one revolution of the circle, compute the speed of the yo-yo in miles per hour. Leave your answer in exact form.
  9. A computer hard drive contains a circular disk with diameter 2.5 inches and spins at a rate of 7200 revolutions per minute. Find the linear speed of a point on the edge of the disk in miles per hour.
  10. A rock got stuck in the tread of my tire and when I was driving 70 miles per hour, the rock came loose and hit the inside of the wheel well of the car. How fast, in miles per hour, was the rock traveling when it came out of the tread? (The tire has a diameter of 23 inches.)
  11. The Giant Wheel at Cedar Point is a circle with diameter 128 feet which sits on an 8 foot tall platform making its overall height is 136 feet. It completes two revolutions in 2 minutes and 7 seconds.[15] Assuming the riders are at the edge of the circle, how fast are they traveling in miles per hour?
  12. Consider the circle of radius r pictured below with central angle \theta, measured in radians, and subtended arc of length s. Prove that the area of the shaded sector is A = \frac{1}{2} r^{2} \theta.(Hint: Use the proportion \frac{A}{\text{area of the circle}} = \frac{s}{\text{circumference of the circle}}.)

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In Exercises 57 – 62, use the result of Exercise 56 to compute the areas of the circular sectors with the given central angles and radii.

  1. \theta = \dfrac{\pi}{6}, \; r = 12
  2. \theta = \dfrac{5\pi}{4}, \; r = 100
  3. \theta = 330^{\circ}, \; r = 9.3
  4. \theta =\pi, \; r = 1
  5. \theta = 240^{\circ}, \; r = 5
  6. \theta = 1^{\circ}, \; r = 117
  7. Imagine a rope tied around the Earth at the equator. Show that you need to add only 2\pi feet of length to the rope in order to lift it one foot above the ground around the entire equator. (You do NOT need to know the radius of the Earth to show this.)
  8. With the help of your classmates, look for a proof that \pi is indeed a constant.


Section 7.1 Exercise Answers can be found in the Appendix … Coming soon

  1. The phrase `at least' will be justified in short order.
  2. The choice of `360' is most often attributed to the Babylonians.
  3. This is how a protractor is graded.
  4. Note that by being in standard position they automatically share the same initial side which is the positive x-axis.
  5. It is worth noting that all of the pathologies of Analytic Trigonometry result from this fact.
  6. Recall that this means k = 0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \ldots.
  7. The authors are well aware that we are now identifying radians with real numbers. We will justify this shortly.
  8. This, in turn, endows the subtended arcs with an orientation as well. We address this in short order.
  9. Note that the negative sign indicates clockwise rotation in both systems, and so it is carried along accordingly.
  10. See Definition 3.5 in Section 3.2 for a review of this concept.
  11. You guessed it, using Calculus \ldots
  12. See Example 3.2.3 in Section 3.2 for more of a discussion on instantaneous velocity.
  13. Diagram credit: Pearson Scott Foresman [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
  14. We will discuss how we arrived at this approximation in Example 7.2.5.
  15. Source: Cedar Point's webpage.


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