Audience & Purpose Handout

Brandi Morley and C. Anneke Snyder



  • This handout complements lessons on audience and purpose in writing. It offers questions and examples to help students grasp how understanding their audience and purpose shapes a piece’s content, tone, and structure.


Why Know Your Audience and Purpose?

  • Informed Decision-Making
    • Understanding your audience and purpose helps you:
      • Decide what information to include.
      • Choose an appropriate tone.
      • Determine how to organize content.
  • Questions to Consider. When deciding what details to include and what tone to use, ask yourself the below questions. Consider, for example, how your answers (and thus your tone and information) to these questions would change if you were discussing solar power with a child vs. a physics professor.
    • Audience Knowledge:
      • What does your audience already know about the topic?
      • What background information is essential for their understanding?
    • Audience Influences:
      • What might shape their position or feelings about the topic?
      • What outcome do you expect from communicating with them?
  • Structuring Your Writing. It’s important to determine your purpose for writing, as each purpose requires specific strategies (and, thus, organizational structure). Ask yourself “Why am I communicating?”
    • Purpose-Driven Choices:
      • To explain: Provide clarity.
      • To persuade: Influence opinions.
      • To inform: Share knowledge.
      • To describe: Paint a vivid picture.
      • To entertain: Engage and captivate.
      • To analyze: Break down and examine.
      • To evaluate: Assess and judge.




Click here to download a Word Doc version of this handout:

Audience and Purpose Handout




Morley, Brandi and C. Anneke Snyder. “Audience and Purpose Handout.” Strategies, Skills and Models for Student Success in Writing and Reading Comprehension. College Station: Texas A&M University, 2024. This work is licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).


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Audience & Purpose Handout Copyright © by Brandi Morley and C. Anneke Snyder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.